Friday, October 9, 2009

Free Forex Trading Signal - The Pro Traders Use This One and You Can to For Bigger Long Term Profits

There are lots of people selling Forex trading signals and you have numerous robots and software you can buy but why pay when this signal works and piles up huge gains - Everything about it is enclosed, lets take a look at it.

The signal has been used for nearly 30 years and is the one the savvy pro traders use, sure you can buy robots and expert advisors, for a couple of hundred bucks or less but they don't even work, because they have never been traded, there just back tests on historical data! Check the disclaimer and it says simulated, well that's not real money.

The signal we will look at here has been traded by numerous professional traders in real time, made millions, lets look at the logic its based on first then the signal rule.

Look at a chart and you will see currency pairs, trend for long periods of time and every major trend, starts by breaking to new highs, in a bull trend and new lows in a bear trend; the signal we will look at is simply based upon this timeless fact. It was devised by a true trading legend - Richard Donchian and the signal was simple and only has one rule which gives it it's name - "The Four Week Rule" The rule states:

Buy a break to a new 4 week high and hold onto the position until a new 4 week low is made and then go short, keep reversing the position as each new 4 week high or low is hit and always keep an open position in the market.

That's the rule, it works and yes, it is simple but simple systems always work best in Forex as they are more robust than complex ones - Forex trading is simple and most traders forget this fact.

The signal works very well long term and while you have short term periods of drawdown when markets are not trending, long term it makes money. You can apply it in 5 minutes a day per currency pair and you don't even need a computer to do the calculation.

Test the 4 week rule and you have your own Forex Expert Advisor for free and if you use it, you will be in good company, even trading legends like Richard Dennis, were admirers of its simplicity and long term profitability so if it's good enough for super traders like him, it's good enough for me and you.

You don't get much in life that's free, that makes money and while Richard Donchian has passed away, he has left a great Forex trading which you can use to increase your Forex profits

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